Thursday, October 1, 2009

The First Blog

Well, the real reason that I'm entering the blog world is just so I can post comments on Meg's page! But I thought it would also be fun and interesting to post pictures and share fun memories, as my life grows and Erin gets bigger.

So today, like every other Thursday, is my "E day." Its the one day out of the week, that I get to play with my perfectly precious little niece Erin. Ryan lets me come over after he gets off work, and just hanging out with Erin for a couple hours, is all I need to get me through even the roughest of weeks. There is not a problem in the world that a simple smile or giggle from her won't fix. Some people even go as far as saying "I just need some E Medicine," simply meaning, she can make anything better.

So we'll start this blog off with a bang and post the pictures from last "E day!"

Well Ryan asked me to join in for some fun shopping with Erin for someone special's birthday thats coming up. (Megan) However, I didn't have my camera for the shopping part. Even though it was so cute seeing her in the car singing, and then when she didn't like the song, she would make Ryan change it, by pointing and going "EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!", then Ryan would make her say "PUH!" which is her please! She's so cute! We had a good time shopping, and then we came home and went for a walk with all the dogs!
Here's Ryan walking both dogs and carrying Erin.
I pulled Erin in the wagon and tried to take pictures at the same time.
This is my favorite one

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